15 May White Knight Hasn’t Shown Up Yet? Buy Your Own Damn House!
I had the pleasure of taking part in the Las Vegas Woman Magazine Summer Launch party last night at the Tropicana. I won’t bore you with my whole pitch but here’s a quick run down (and some fun pictures!).
Is there a difference between Men and Women when it comes to Investing? Studies say “Yes”. In general, women tend to be less risk-adverse, complain of feeling less confident when making financial decisions and have differing financial priorities. While men tend to worry about their lifestyle during retirement, women worry about things like burdening their families and outliving their savings (since women are shown to live longer).
Though men and women may have different end goals and different investment “strategies”, gaining financial independence should be a top priority for both sexes.
So ladies- where do we start?
1. Define your investment goals. Do you want to retire early? Do you want to have enough money set aside to pay for your child’s college education? Do you want to have a little extra side income to spend on those 900$ Valentino shoes (don’t we all)? Well, you have to know where you’re going before you can begin your personal investment journey.
2. Find a trustworthy adviser to work with. Finding a local professional who is knowledgeable about your local market is imperative to your success. The market is ever-changing and working with someone who has their finger on the pulse will greatly decrease your risk and maximize your chances of success. (In case you missed it, that person is ME)
3. Start Small. “I think the most important thing women can do to gain confidence is to realize you don’t have to knoweverything to get started,” says MP Dunleavey, editor-in-chief at the DailyWorth website. Once you have defined your investment goals and partnered with a professional, start setting weekly, monthly and yearly investment goals. Baby Steps are for Big Girls too! I mean how fast can you really run in 6inch heels!
4. Get Educated. Knowledge is power. Ask a Realtor, Financial Planner, Lender, or CPA about the best options for you, and then do what we all do….google it! While everything you read on the internet may not be accurate, it brings up questions. Knowing the right questions to ask will give you a leg up when dealing with professionals like myself. Learn as much as you possibly can and don’t be afraid to ask for advice.
5.Join an investment club. The Prudential survey found that women like to collaborate and prefer to take their time understanding investments before purchasing them. So consider learning the ropes and having some fun simultaneously by joining our “Wine & Wealth” investment club. We meet monthly, or bi-monthly. It’s like a Jewelry party, but there’s nothing to buy and we bring the wine! For more information check out www.CreateLuckLV.com or e-mail me direct at CreateLuckLV@Gmail.com.
And now for the fun part…the pictures from last night!
Peace, Love, Properties
– “Create Luck”